Socrates Sculpture Park Opens New Subway Stop
Astoria / May 11, 2009. This past Sunday, Socrates Sculpture Park opened its new exhibits. They included a wide range of interesting subjects, including barns, temples, golden fences and grasping hands. The Sunday event included a peformance called Cakewalk, music and a race through an obstacle course. In the photo to your right you can see one of the exhibits, the new Socrates Sculpture Park subway stop. While it's likely one of the cleanest stations, we also hear that you have to wait forever to catch a train : ) We'll have a bit more on this later.
Kite Flying At Socrates Sculpture Park
Queens / April 27, 2009. Kite flying at Socrates kicked off the better weather season. It was a beautiful weekend with warm dry air, as the temperatures soared into the eighties and nineties. But alas, for kite fliers, there wasn't much of a wind. In the photo to your right you can see one effort to launch the kite into the sky. We'll have a photo album on this event later this week, as it turned out to be a fun outing. Click here to view a Socrates Sculpture Park event we covered last year.
Meanwhile in Long Island City the largest modern dance festival in Queens had taken flight. We attended the Saturday performances of the Green Space Blooms Festival wherein six dance performances were given with an eclectic mix of themes. To my surprise, one of the dance performances so moved me, that I found some emotions involuntarily bubbling up inside of me. We'll have a review of one night at the festival later in the week. Click here to view a Dance Entropy / Green Space event we covered in December. It's worth noting that this festival continues three more days next weekend.

Socrates Sculpture Park Throws Great Halloween Party 2008
Long Island City / Astoria Queens / October 18, 2008. On Saturday the Socrates Sculpture Park was the gracious host to a Halloween Party. This event was mostly for families with children and kids, but all were welcome. This event celebrated the fall with harvest performances, live music, food and crafts. Superheroes was the costume theme this year and there was a performance of “The Witches” which is a play based on a children’s book.
The Socrates Staff provided facilities for face painting, costume making, and the park provided plenty of room for the kids to run, set against a great view of the east side of Manhattan. All of this was accompanied by a rock band that got the crowd worked up with limbo and jump roping feats. The image to the left is of one of the band members jumping rope with a participant from the audience at the party.
Socrates Sculpture Park Long Island City / Astoria NY - Related Links
Technically Socrates Sculpture Park is located in Long Island City, but it is far closer to restaurants, shops and other sites in Astoria. Click this link to view a map of the Socrates Sculpture Park. Click this link to obtain the contact info and website url for the Socrates Sculpture Park. Click this link to go to the Astoria Neighborhood News / Astoria Restaurants Guide & Map / Astoria Business Directory / Astoria Shopping Center & Map.