Queens Public & Private Transit & Infrastructure QNS NYC

May 28, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood

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Queens Transit & Infrastructure QNS NYC

September 2024 / Queens Transit & Infrastructure NYC / Queens Neighborhoods / Queens Buzz NYC.

This section is dedicated to the Transit & Infrastructure section on Queens Buzz NYC.


Page Guide

How to Make the Most of This Section

1. The reports at the top of this section will contain recent reports on current public transit issues or previously produced reports that are still relevant to current public transit issues in Queens.

2. The rest of this section will contain transit related reports done previously, organized as follows: 1) Autos, Trucks & Boats, 2) Biking & Walking, 3) Air Transit & Travel and 4) Public / Mass Transit.

3. The Queens Buzz website provides visitors with current news and a history of what has happened in Queens neighborhoods, generally based on events, issues, locales and sometimes personages. Use the BOOKMARK button at the top of your browser window, to facilitate your weekly visit to find out what's happening in Queens. 

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CLICK here to view our Queens Transit & Infrastructure NYC section.



I. Automobiles, Trucks & Boats


Congestion Pricing & the Lobbying Apparatus that Won't Take No For an Answer

Congestion Pricing Legislation was being Pushed in Albany over a Decade Ago ... so Who's Really in Charge?

congestion pricing legislation albany nysMarch 26, 2019 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Politics & Government / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.

Last week I attended a Congestion Pricing Town Hall organized by Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer. Earlier in the week City Council Member Helen Rosenthal had organized one along the same lines because legislation is percolating in Albany.

Governor Cuomo appears to be itching to pass the Congestion Pricing legislation, likely so he can get his hands on more taxpayer money, while satisfying a whole host of private industry consultants and corporations. These consultants and corporations would then rake in hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars thanks to Albany. So then would they recycle a small portion of the funds into the campaigns of the folks who supported it?

These days that seems to be the campaign funding cycle - where the voters get left out because they aren't minding the store. A government of the people, by the people and for the people doesn't work if the people aren't paying attention. Jefferson said, "Those who believe they can be ignorant and free, believe in something that never was and never shall be."


I. Congestion Pricing is a Very Expensive Taxation Plan

congestion pricing legislation albany nysLet me start by outlining what the Congestion Pricing legislation really is, versus the myriad of narratives they've used to sell this pig. While they have said it will reduce congestion, reduce carbons, increase cycling, increase safety - note that all of these claims are highly debatable. Based on the research I've done, the Congestion Pricing Plan seems quite simply to be a very, very expensive means of taxation.

In London, where they implemented Congestion Pricing over a decade ago, as of a few years ago, only about half of the revenue made its way into public transit development. The other half was used to install and operate [and god knows what else] the new infrastructure. Click here to read a prior report we did which includes lots of facts, figures and the history and effects of congestion pricing in the U.S. and Europe.

It's worth noting that London decided NOT to go forward with the second proposed phase of Congestion Pricing. And it's worth mentioning that I found a lot of 'authoritative looking' disinformation out there regarding the London results, which one can surmise was encouraged - if not funded - by those who so handsomely profit from this sort of legislation.

If the government officials in Albany are going to increase our taxes, the least they could do is make it such that the taxation revenue that is collected is 100% usable, not 50% usable.

When you take away the incremental revenue generated by the Congestion Pricing Plan, you will clearly see that it DOES NOTHING TO SOLVE THE NYC MASS TRANSIT PROBLEM and there are far less expensive / more efficient / more beneficial means of taxation.

NYC / NYS Congestion Pricing 3.0

NYS Senators Liz Krueger & Brad Hoylman Host Community Transit Discussion

nyc congestion pricing nycMarch 5, 2018 / Midtown Manhattan / Manhattan Neighborhoods / Manhattan Business / News Analysis & Opinion / Manhattan Buzz NYC.

It was a cool Thursday evening as I made my way to the CUNY Graduate Center in Midtown. The CUNY Graduate Center is located on Fifth Avenue just north of 34th Street kiddy-corner from the Empire State Building.

I was headed to a community discussion about the public transit crisis facing NYC. I suppose, not surprising, was that one of the Congestion Pricing representatives, Alex Matthiessen, was there to present. Alex started out the conversation with a presentation of the new Congestion Pricing Plan, which is now called Fix NYC, telling us how this Congestion Pricing plan was different from the two prior ones floated by the Bloomberg Administration and by Mattheissen's Move NY group a few years back.

Click here to read our report about NYC Congestion Traffic Pricing posted in March 2016 when we took a pretty in-depth view at who has been pushing this plan [consultancies & businesses that will profit from the infrastructure build out], how much of the London implementation revenue went back into improvements in that city [about 50%], how congestion pricing didn't reduce traffic, but time shifted traffic in a New Jersey bridge / tunnel implementation [they had claimed emissions reductions and used a 'green' label to promote the last version of this plan], and other important things to consider regarding implementing a 'new and improved' congestion pricing system along the East River Bridges.

NYC Congestion Pricing - Move NY Congestion Pricing Plan

Which Queens 'Democratic' Pols Support $8 Tolls?

Several Queens Officials Support $8 Tolls on Queensborough & Other East River Bridges & at 60th Street to Raise Capital for the MTA

Queens Democratic Party Chairman Joe Crowley & NYS Governor Cuomo Supported Congestion Traffic Pricing in the Past

March 29, 2016 / Queens Neighborhoods / Queens Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Queens Buzz.

nyc congestion pricing move ny congestion pricing plan



The new Congestion Traffic Pricing Plan has been making its way into the legislative process over the past year. Just last week NYS Assemblyman Robert Rodriguez, a Democrat from Manhattan introduced the bill on March 23, 2016. The Move NY Congestion Traffic Pricing Plan is being sold into the legislature as a means to raise revenue to fund MTA Capital projects.

Currently NYS Senator Jose Peralta, Cuomo's Deputy of Legislative Affairs Mark Weprin & CCM's Van Bramer, Richards & Reynoso publicly support installing $8 tolls on the Queensborough & other East River bridges to raise capital for the MTA.

Governor Cuomo's Words Are ...

Governor Andrew Cuomo supported the Congestion Pricing Plan put forth years ago, which wasn't popular with many of the voters in Brooklyn & Queens. The two boroughs have a combined population which rounds to 5 million or 25% of the 20 million people who live in New York State.

Cuomo was quoted as making the following statement by the Observer in an article published a year ago on March 15, 2015,

“It’s not, ‘Can I support it?’ Will the people support it? Can you get it done? Can you get a congestion plan passed and we’ve gone through this a couple of times and it was an overwhelming ‘no’ and I haven’t seen anything happen that would change my opinion,”

The Governor has essentially been repeating this position publicly ever since.

Inconsistent with Governor Cuomo's Staff Actions

move ny congestion pricing planBut while the Governor is publicly distancing himself from the measure which is unpopular in Queens and Brooklyn, former NY City Councilmember Mark Weprin, who is now Cuomo's Deputy of Legislative Affairs, has supported the Move NY Congestion Traffic Pricing Plan.


Weprin vehemently oppposed Congestion Traffic Pricing in 2008 when he was a NY City Councilmember, but in 2015 Weprin began publicly supporting the revised Congestion Traffic Pricing Plan as he transitioned from NY City Councilmember to becoming Cuomo's Deputy of Legislative Affairs. NYS Assemblyman David Weprin, Mark's brother, continues to publicly oppose the plan.

It's worth mentioning that the Weprins and the Cuomos have had close family political ties spanning two generations.


Congressman Crowley's Position Circa 2007

Queens Democratic Party Chairman, U.S. Congressman Joseph Crowley, supported the Congestion Traffic Pricing Plan backed by former Mayor Bloomberg, according to a June 11, 2007 report by the New York Times which quoted Crowley as saying,

“the overall [2007] plan — and congestion pricing is just a part of it — will make this a more livable city and make it easier to attract the best and the brightest not only from around the country but from around the world.”

We've not yet seen any comments by Congressman Crowley on the current Move NY Plan which was recently introduced.

 CLICK here to read the rest of our report on Congestion Pricing in NYC.

The Great Supply Chain Crisis 2021: Hype vs Reality

TV & Murdoch News Sensationalized the Great Supply Chain Crisis of 2021 - Telling us for Months on End No Pumpkins for Halloween, No Turkeys for Thanksgiving, No Trees for Christmas & No Cream Cheese in NYC

But How Much of that Hyping was a Murdoch Inspired Perspective in Pursuit of Political Profit & Fear Mongering Ratings at the Expense of Reporting What's Really Happening?

murdoch manipulative media wsj abc news ny post fox news murdoch manipulates by omission distortion outright liesJanuary 3, 2022 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.

The closer I pay attention to what's happening in our mass media, the more concerned I get. Nearly half of our daily nationally branded news media is controlled by one man, Australian born billionaire Rupert Murdoch - who strikes me as either a sociopath or psychopath. Based on the seven years I've been covering Murdoch, it appears as if he doesn't care about anything other than enriching and empowering himself, even at 90 years of age [his mother lived to 103 so he's likely going to be with us for a while].


What Those Who Know Murdoch Say About Him

In Australia - where Murdoch has been operating all his life - former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd described,

"Murdoch's media empire as a cancer on democracy".

And in Britain, a Parliamentary Report stated that,

[Murdoch] "was not a fit person" to exercise stewardship of a major international company].

Keith Rupert Murdoch, controls the Wall St. Journal, Fox News, the NY Post, Harper Collins Publishing, MarketWatch, Barrons - and along with two of Fox News largest shareholders - Murdoch appears to have a controlling interest in Disney / ABC by virtue of what seems his proximity to their relatively new CEO. Murdoch's influence appears to be manifesting itself in personnel moves being made since he became one of their largest shareholders in March of 2019. The personnel moves are in their news and related programming areas, and ultimately impact what ABC News presents to the public. I just witnessed one of many subtle changes on Sunday, while watching This Week with George Stephanopolous. I'll say more about this at the end of this report.

Fox News Lyin' Laura Ingraham, earned that moniker, as you can see in the image above. Fox News has repeatedly used misleading photos and images to lend deceptive and misleading support to their news accounts, which appear designed to influence the unaware and low information voters, in order to get them to vote for billionaire Murdoch's favored pols and against the very government officials who are trying to help the manipulated victims.

New York Boat Show @ Javits Center

Full Steam Ahead For Boat & Yacht Dealers & Manufacturers

ny boat show javits center photosJanuary 25, 2015 / Midtown West NYC / Manhattan Business / Manhattan Buzz NYC.

For the price of a small apartment in Manhattan you can buy yourself a floating power palace with about the same amount of space, and water views on all sides.

It was my first venture into the New York Boat Show on Sunday at the Jacob Javits Center in Midtown West. There were about 400 boats and yachts on display [364 was the unoffical count] for those looking to buy, trade or just look at the state of the art in boating technology and comfort.

Again unofficially - using one of the dealer's gate count numbers - it seems attendance was up a bit this year versus last year. They surmised that the lower gas prices, the better economy and apparently a few folks were looking to replace what had been damaged or that they'd lost to Hurricane Sandy. And so it was ... show on.

Later this week I'll post a photo slide show of the event and take you onto a few of the boats and yachts so you can see what owning or riding on one of these floating palaces would look like. Ship Ahoy.



II. Biking & Walking


New Kosciuszko Bridge Opens

September 16, 2019 / Brooklyn & Queens / Gotham Buzz.

The following video will take you on a walk across the New Kosciuszko Bridge connecting Brooklyn and Queens.

Old Kociuszko Bridge Comes Down 10/4/2017 - QB TXT

The Old Kociuszko Bridge Comes Down

First Segment of the New Kociuszko Bridge Opened in April 2017

kociuszko bridge demolition queens brooklyn nycOctober 4, 2017 / Sunnyside Neighborhood & LIC Neighborhood / Queens Business / Queens Buzz NYC.


On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 8 am, large segments of the old Kociuszko Bridge were dropped via explosives onto a sand bed which was laid to dampen the vibrational impact of the fall. Demolition crews had been working for months preparing for this event, by removing a lot of pavement and cement from the segments prior to the explosion. The old bridge was estimated to weigh approximately 232 million tons [verify] of cement and steel. The steel will be recycled.


Earlier this year, the main segment of the bridge that traverses Newtown Creek - and connects Brooklyn and Queens - was lowered onto barges in Newtown Creek on July 26th. In April of this year the first phase of the new bridge was officially opened for business, designed to accommodate the 180,000 daily crossings. The cost to NYS taxpayers was reported to be about $554 million.


kociuszko bridge demolition queens brooklyn nycCurrently construction crews are working, pretty quickly, to remove the remains of the old Kociuszko Bridge to make way for the beginning of the second phase of the project, which entails the development of a second parallel stretch of roadway, of nearly equal width of the first, which will complete the NYS infrastructure project replacing the old Kociuszko Bridge. The second phase is expected to be completed in 2020. The second phase of the project was estimated to cost NYS taxpayers $335 million.


The first Kociuszko Bridge was opened in 1939 as the Meeker Avenue Bridge and renamed a year later by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia to the Kociuszko Bridge. This renaming of the bridge after General Kociuszko, the American Revolutionary War hero, had a purpose, which we will see as we delve into the Brooklyn Queens history of the Kociuszko Bridge.

The story also includes a photo slide show of the old and new Kociusko Bridge over the past year.

NYC Cyclists Rights - Bicycle Laws NYC & NYS - NYC Bike Laws

Cyclists Rights In NYC / Queens

Knowing Your Rights & Responsibilities As An NYC Cyclist

nyc bike laws cyclists rightsUpdated Spring 2015 / Long Island City Neighborhood / NYC Cylists Rights In Queens / Queens Buzz. By Philip Papas. The introduction to the Cyclists' Rights Forum was given by Christina Vassallo, Executive Director, Flux Factory. She told us that the event came about after she and a friend were stopped for cycling violations, which they thought were not illegal, or had erroneously been applied as violation points to their motor vehicle driver’s license. As a result she saw the need for a forum to clarify laws, rights and proper procedures for cyclists to follow.

Click here to read our full report about NYC Bike Laws / Cyclists' Rights Forum in Queens at the Flux Factory in LIC.


III. Airports & Air Travel & Transportation


Governor Hochul Scraps the LGA to Flushing Meadows Corona Park Air Train

Governor Hochul Scraps the Ill Conceived LGA - Willets Point Air Train

Former Governor Cuomo's Air Train Seemed More About Catering to the Whims of the Billionaire Class, than in Streamlining Public Transit

March 15, 2023 / NYC Neighborhoods / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.

CTA subway line from downtown chicago to O'Hare Airport nyc public transit air train lgaIn 2017 I attended a Community Board meeting in Astoria where our urban planners talked about new improvements coming to LaGuardia Airport. Since then a number of those plans have come to fruition. But one of them, what at the time was called the third phase, the Air Train to LGA, has not. Use the link to see the thinking nearly six years ago when the plans had been drafted and the construction was about to begin. I'm happy to say that we flagged and reported to you a number of the issues with the LGA Air Train early on, which we've included in the list below.

The photo at right shows the CTA [Chicago Transit Authority] subway that runs along the Kennedy Expressway from downtown Chicago to O'Hare Airport which vies with Atlanta for the title of the busiest airport in the U.S..


The Former Emperor [Governor Cuomo] had No Clothes [Sound Public Interest Rationale]

On Monday, Governor Hochul announced what was already well known and expected, which was that the Air Train shuttling between LaGuardia Airport and Flushing Meadows Corona Park, would not be built.

There were any number of good reasons why the LGA Air Train should not have been built, such as: 1) the costs of building the train would cost more than five times the original estimated cost of under $500 million to over $2.5 billion, 2) then, implicit in a number of alternatives, there was the idiocy of connecting the LGA Air Train, to the second most trafficked subway line [the #7] in NYC, which was already nearing peak capacity pre-pandemic, 3) the politically and billionaire preferred alternative destination, Willets Point on Flushing Bay, had just been cleaned up after decades of environmental pollution, and would again be threatened again, and to top it all off, 4) the politically and billionaire preferred Willets Point alternative required all of the people traveling to and from LaGuardia on public transit, to travel out to Flushing first, before circling back around to LaGuardia Airport. The billionaires who would have benefitted from this include billionaire real estate developer Stephen Ross and [now minority interest] Mets Club billionaire owners Saul B. Katz and Fred Wilpon. The new Mets baseball team owner, Steve Cohen, is also a billionaire.

CLICK here to read our report on Governor Hochul scraps the LGA to Flushing Meadows Corona Park Air Train.

Public Transit To & From JFK Airport & NYC Manhattan Queens

Public Transit To & From JFK Airport To NYC

jfk airtrain public transit jfk airport nyc queensQueens Air Train & Buses Connect JFK Airport To NYC Subways

Jamaica Neighborhood / Queens Neighborhoods / Queens Shopping / Queens Restaurants / Queens Buzz. The Jamaica Train station is the LIRR hub and the busiest transportation complex in Queens.

The Jamaica Train station serves as the nexus for LIRR trains heading to / from New York City, to / from JFK airport via the new air train, and to / from all destinations on Long Island, save the Port Washington line.

Click here to read more about public transit to & from JFK Airport & NYC. Manhattan & Queens.  This brief provides some info, photos and a map showing the location of the complex.

Public Transit To & From LGA LaGuardia Airport & NYC Manhattan Queens

Public Transit To & From LGA & NYC - LaGuardia Airport to Manhattan & Queens

Victor Moore Terminal In Jackson Heights

public transit to from lga nyc laguardia airport manhattan queens nycJackson Heights Neighborhood / Queens Neighborhoods / Queens Shopping / Queens Restaurants / Queens Buzz. The Victor Moore MTA Terminal is located in Jackson Heights neighborhood of Queens NY and is the connection terminal for public transportation to and from LaGuardia Airport LGA & NYC Manhattan.

The Victor Moore Terminal is the second busiest MTA public transit terminal in Queens, with fast express #7 and E subway train connections to Manhattan / NYC within about twenty minutes. Click here to find the public transit to & from LaGuardia Airport LGA & NYC Manhattan & Queens.

Update: LaGuardia Airport Development Project

First Phase Moving Along with Second & Third Phases About to Begin

April 24, 2017 / Astoria Neighborhood / Queens Real Estate / Gotham Buzz NYC.

laguardia airport construction redesign LGAI attended a Community Board One meeting at the Astoria World Manor on Wednesday, April 19th. People representing the LaGuardia Airport development project were scheduled to provide the community with an update regarding several of the multi-billion dollar renovation projects associated with LaGuardia Airport, that are either currently in the works or nearing the end of the planning process.

The presentation was split into three parts: 1) LaGuardia Airport development project construction updates, 2) traffic mitigation efforts and 3) community outreach including job opportunities related to the projects.

Click here to read our report on the LaGuardia Airport development project & expansion, related job opportunities, its possible impact on travel times to the airport and the public hearing details on May 3rd, 2017 in Flushing. We have also included a small bit of history about the airport and the fight over the property and development in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. The graphic at right was created as part of the LaGuardia Airport development project.

LaGuardia Airport - Airplane Noise - LGA NYNJPA FAA

LaGuardia Airport - Airplane Noise

Jackson Heights, Corona & Queens Voice Concerns Regarding LGA Airplane Noise

FAA Considering Extension of LaGuardia Airport Hours & Other Changes

airplane noise lga noise laguardia airport noise faa nynjpaOctober 19, 2015 / Jackson Heights Neighborhood / Queens Issues LaGuardia Airport Noise LGA / Queens Neighborhoods / News Analysis & Opinion / Queens Buzz.

I attended a town hall meeting about the airplane noise coming from LaGuardia Airport at PS 69 in Jackson Heights. The town hall had been organized by NYS Senator Peralta’s office and the panel of speakers included local government officials and representatives of the Federal Aviation Administration [FAA] and the New York New Jersey Port Authority [NYNJPA].

Standing Room Only at PS 69

The auditorium was packed and there were people lined up along the walls as well as standing in the back of the auditorium. Airplane noise has emerged as a big issue for Jackson Heights due to a couple of construction projects going on at the airport – both of which will be completed at the end of November.

Cynical Audience Member's Point of View

The timing of the town hall meeting, only six weeks before the construction was to end, led one of the local pundits to cynically suggest that this was merely political theater, rather than an effort to accomplish anything substantive.

There was an earlier town hall meeting organized about two years ago by NYC City Councilmember Dromm, to tackle the problem in its early stages, and while it was happening - not after it was all over - which is what we're close to today.

But that said, these town hall meetings are not just political theater, although inevitably that is some of it, which you will see in the video. And while the immediate problem will subside, we discovered that there a number of efforts either underway or in the planning stages, in which the community has a vested stake in the outcomes.

Not Said In Meeting: Federal Register States That Consideration Is Being Given To Extending LGA's Operational Hours & Slots

In doing follow up research I found a piece on the Federal Register government website that informed me that the FAA is considering changing the operational hours and slots for LaGuardia Airport. This was not discussed at the town hall [click into story for additional detail]. We also found other things that were either scarcely touched upon or not addressed, which we included in this report.

Click here to read the rest of this report about LaGuardia Airport Airplane Noise and the NYNJPA & FAA in Queens. The report includes video presentations, including some audience interaction, and a photo slide show and other information about FAA air traffic changes, airplane noise and what you can do about it.

Jet Blue LIC - Airlines In Queens NY

JetBlue Operations in Queens

Behind The Scenes At JetBlue LIC

jet blue licMay 19, 2012 / Long Island City / Queens Business / Queens Buzz.  I decided to take a look behind the airline ticket counter to see what goes on behind the scenes of a scrappy competitive airline upstart.  That description best describes the Queens hometown airline - JetBlue - which recently relocated within the borough, moving from Forest Hills [and Darien, CT] to the Met Life Building off Queens Plaza in Long Island City. 

JetBlue officially opened its Long Island City location on April 3rd, 2012.  They had been moving folks into the building in waves, after about a year of preparations.  The first wave came on March 19th, and the last wave came on April 4th, 2012.  There are currently about 1,000 Jet Blue employees working out of the Long Island City facility.

I spent most of my time in their operations center which handles many of the behind-the-scenes logistics.  This report will give you a close up look at what goes on behind the scenes every day at JetBlue as it prepares, schedules, executes and monitors an airline that has a fleet of between 150  - 200 planes, about 2,000 pilots, about 3,000 flight attendants, and an LIC operations crew of about 250 that runs 24/7 every day of the year. The JetBlue Operations Center is shown looking through an aquarium, in the photo above.

Click here to read our report about JetBlue in Long Island City LIC.

Vaughn College - Aeronautics School In Queens

Vaughn College - Queens NY

Casey School Of Aeronautics Queens NYA Step Back In Time And A Vision Of The Future

Casey Jones School Of Aeronautics

Jackson Heights / Flushing / March 4, 2010. Vaughn College was originally the Casey Jones School of Aeronautics, which opened its doors in Newark, NJ in 1932. At the time Newark was New York City’s primary airport. At the time Brooklyn had an airport, Floyd Bennett Field, but its location was inconvenient to travel into and out of the city.

LaGuardia Airport - A Bit Of Queens & NYC History

LaGuardia Airport HistoryMayor Fiorello LaGuardia caused quite a stir when he demanded to be taken into New York City by the airline that sold him a ticket which cited ‘New York City’ as its destination. The airline appeased him by taking him to Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, which was located south and west of what is now JFK Airport.

Following Mayor LaGuardia’s successful public relations stunt, the city began exploring ways to create its own popular airport. Floyd Bennett Field was plagued with traffic issues along Flatbush Avenue, which combined with its distance from the city, relegated it to the dustbin of history by the end of the 1940’s.

Air transportation jobs in queens nyQueens - Gateway To New York City

In the late thirties the WPA set about upgrading an airstrip along the northern edge of Queens [North Beach Airport] to accommodate New York City air travel. The airstrip was located close to the city, with good traffic connections via the newly constructed Triborough Bridge [completed in 1936]. Hence, within two years, the newly refurbished airport opened in 1939 as Municipal Airport, which decades later was later renamed La Guardia.

Casey Jones School Of Aeronautics Moves To Queens

vaughn college queens nyIn 1941, only two years after the new airport in Queens had opened, the Casey Jones School of Aeronautics moved from Newark into Queens and was commemorated by Mayor LaGuardia. The school campus is still located only a few blocks away from La Guardia Airport. In the war years that followed [WWII], the Casey Jones School educated and trained 20,000 men and women who supported the nation’s successful air effort during WWII.

Since the forties, the school has continued to evolve Vaughn College Queens NYCfrom what was essentially a design and mechanics school [Casey School Of Aeronautics], into a full fledged private four year college [Vaughn College] offering bachelor and associate degrees in engineering and technology, as well as aviation and management.

In the report that follows you’ll see photos of planes equipment, engines being taken apart and put back together, flight simulators and the Vaughn College observation tower [photo to left], into which some of the LaGuardia Control Tower chatter is piped. We will also peek into Vaughn College's evolving curricula, which now includes a masters degree, and a nascent mechatronics / robotics program.



IV. Public / Mass Transit


Hochul Nixes Air Train Report 3/15/2023 - Above Under Air Ports & Air Travel - QB 1066

A Few Things To Do This Weekend NYC

MLK Day Weekend, Art Opening Reception, Moynihan Station, Mass Transit Usage Steady, CoVid Rages, Vaccinations Ramp up but Snafu, Divergent Retirement Trends NYPD & Teachers, Ongoing White Collar Workplace Shift & Capitol Riot Fallout

January 15, 2021 / US Politics / NYC Neighborhoods / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.

new moynihan train station nycWeather. The temperature highs will be in the mid 40’s and the temperature lows in the mid 30’s except on Friday when the high and the low will both be in the mid 40’s. Winds will range between 11 - 17 mph throughout the weekend. There’s a forecast for about an inch of rain on Friday, most of which will fall after 7 pm. The rest of the weekend is clear. Humidity will be around 80% on Friday, in the high 60’s on Saturday and in the low 60’s on Sunday.


Things To Do This Weekend in NYC / Mass Transit

The Moynihan Train Station across from Penn Station / Madison Square Garden in Manhattan opened on January 1st, 2021. The roof is interesting to see, while I didn’t find the rest of it so awe inspiring.

Queens Local News. There was a fire last Saturday off Main Street near 37th Avenue in Flushing, Queens where a number of retail store fronts were burned out.

In Brooklyn there’s an opening art reception on Saturday between 5.30 - 8 pm at FiveMyles at 558 St Johns Place in Brooklyn. Adherence to CDC CoVid guidelines is required.

Public Mass Transit Usage. Bus ridership was down 50% - 60% this past week, while subway ridership was down 66% - 70%. I rode the rails last weekend and the cars were fuller than I’ve seen them since the pandemic began.

Sunnyside Yard: Special Section About Sunnyside Yards LIC Astoria Queens

sunnyside yards long island city sunnyside yards affordable housing sunnyside lic queens nyc

Sunnyside Yard - Special Report Series

sunnyside yards sunnyside yard photoThe following is a series of reports we have run and continue to evolve to provide background and context for the residents and voters of Sunnyside, Long Island City, Astoria, Queens, and perhaps NYC, to use to evaluate the respective pros and cons of public policy with regard to the future development of Sunnyside Yard.

The first report is a brief history of Sunnyside Yard, most of which we picked up in a book presentation by historian / author Dave Morrison at the Greater Astoria Historical Society.

The second report provides a summary overview of the development of Queens in the 19th and 20th centuries. Showing how the development of transportation affected real estate development in Queens.

The third report takes a deeper dive into the 20th century development, exploring the same line of thought with regard to the interwoven importance of transportation and real estate development.

The fourth report is expected in late April, which will show the 20th century history of development - the specifics of which will be arriving shortly.

Queens Buzz Special Reports Series

Queens Buzz Special Reports Series. September 2024.

East Side Access Tunnel Project Queens NYC

East Side Access Project Moving Along

How Will This Project Affect Queens Real Estate?

real estate in queensQueens Real Estate / October 4, 2010 / Queens Buzz. Progress on the East Side Access Tunnel project has been visible in Queens since early Spring 2010. The MTA has been busy drilling a new tunnel under the East River from LIC / Astoria, using the Sunnyside Railway Yard as its staging grounds. The photo to your left shows the view of the new tunnel being built underneath the East River from an Astoria / LIC perspective. The tunnel connects into Manhattan around 63rd Street.

Meanwhile in the Sunnyside railway yards, many of the buildings that once dotted the landscape have been demolished. Thankfully this doesn't include an old train station which has been around for many years [see photos in rest of story / slide show]. They’ve also cleared away a number of old warehouse and garage like structures along 43rd Street between Northern Blvd and 39th Avenue.

Click here to get an update on the East Side Access Project impact on Queens real estate.

MTA - Service Disruption #7 Subway Line in Queens

mta #7 subway line service changes disruption in queens #7 subway line in Queens 2014 MTA Service # 7 Subway Line Changes in Queens...

Queens Public & Private Transit & Infrastructure QNS NYC

queens public transit infrastructure qns nyc

Queens Transit & Infrastructure QNS NYC

June 2024 / Queens Transit & Infrastructure NYC / Queens Neighborhoods / Queens Buzz NYC.

This section is dedicated to the Transit & Infrastructure section on Queens Buzz NYC.


* Page Guide *

How to Make the Most of This Section




The reports at the top of this section will reflect the most recent reports - or the reports most relevant to the Queens community / social issues of the day.

This will be followed by sections with our coverage of Queens politics, somewhat in chronological order, but eventually organized by politicians / government officials and what they did for us or did to us. Unfortunately, many fall into the latter category, and they frequently appear to be favored by billionaire oligarch Rupert Murdoch's NY Post, Fox News & WSJ. Queens Buzz isn't just a local news site, it's also a database / history of the neighborhoods in Queens, generally based on events, issues, locales and sometimes personages.

CLICK here to view our Queens Transit & Infrastructure NYC section.

MTA - Service Disruption #7 Subway Line in Queens
mta service changes in queens #7 subway line in Queens

MTA Service Changes in Queens

Columbus Day Weekend Through November 24, 2013

#7 subway line service changes in queensUpdated November 15, 2013 / Transportation in Queens / Queens Buzz. There will be MTA service changes along the #7 subway line in Queens beginning Columbus Day Weekend. The #7 line will stop at Queensboro Plaza and you will have to take alternative transportation into LIC and into NYC.

1. Columbus Day Weekend - November 24, 2013: #7 Subway Service Disruption

Hunters Point Av and Vernon Blvd-Jackson Av Stations

No trains between Queensboro Plaza and Times Sq-42 St. Trains and free shuttle buses will provide alternate service from 11:45 PM Friday to 5 AM Mon, Oct 11 - 14 . The #7 subway line service will continue to operate between Main St and Queensboro Plaza throughout the weekend.

# 7 Subway Line Service Disruptions - Oct & Nov 2013

No service 11:45 PM Fri to 5 AM Mon - • Oct 11 - 14 • Oct 18 - 21 • Oct 25 - 28 • Nov 8 - 11 • Nov 22 - 25

Travel Alternatives

• Take the or * at Times Sq or Queensboro Plaza.
• Take the at 74 St-Roosevelt Av, Court Sq-23 St, 42 St-Port Authority or Lexington Av/53 St.
• Free shuttle buses provide alternate service at Queensboro Plaza, Queens Plaza , Court Sq, Hunters Point Av and Vernon Blvd-Jackson Av Stations.

Shuttle Bus Stop Stations

  • Queensboro Plaza - Queens Plaza South at 27 St
  • Queens Plaza - Jackson Av at Queens Plaza South, Court Sq & 23 St, 44 Dr at 23 St (toward Vernon Blvd-Jackson Av) and 23 St at 44 Dr (toward Queensboro Plaza)
  • Hunters Point Av - 21 St at 49 Av, Vernon Blvd-Jackson Av and Vernon Blvd at 50 Av

Alternate Service Station

  • Grand Central at 42 St
    • Use the N and Q*. Transfer to the #7 subway at Queensboro Plaza. Transfer to the N and W trains at Lexington Av/59 St.
    • Use the E and F trains. Transfer between the E and F to the #7 subway line at 74 St-Roosevelt Av.

Note: The 42 Street Shuttle operates overnight during this time.

* service is extended to Ditmars Blvd during the following times:
   Saturday, 7 AM to 9 PM  •  Sunday, 9 AM to 7 PM

Stay in Queens and have a nice weekend. Here's a link to the NYC MTA website for updates.

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MTA Rush Hour Power Outage

#7 Subway Line Down For Hours

#7 subway line public transit in queensDecember 10, 2013 / Queens Neighborhoods / Queens Buzz. What's wrong with this picture? There aren't any subways running on these tracks during rush hour on Tuesday evening.

The #7 subway is the busiest single subway in NYC and it's the second busiest subway line, after the 4, 5, 6 line that runs north and south along the east side of Manhattan.

According to an attendant there was a power outage along the entire line beginning around 5 pm Tuesday, which was partially repaired within several hours. The trains were running limited service by about 9 pm Tuesday due to ongoing signal problems at a few stations. The MTA expects to have the #7 subway back into full operations by rush hour Wednesday morning, but be prepared.

Ironically this outage comes only weeks after the MTA spent two months of weekends [October / November] doing upgrades / maintenance work on the #7 subway line. It's also worth mentioning that the #7 subway line was one of the last of the major lines to go back into operation following Hurricane Sandy in 2012. The reason for the delay in resumption of service in 2012 was that they couldn't turn on the power because of flooding in the tunnels.

I wonder if any of these issues / activities are related, and what the MTA is doing to address them?

Ridership on the #7 subway line is expected to continue growing because of the significant amount of real estate development going on in the Long Island City and Flushing neighborhoods of Queens. Lagging infrastructure development could hamper growth. Queens Borough President-elect Melinda Katz stated that this would be one of her top priorities upon assuming the office. It seems this might be a good place to start.


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