NYC Marathon in Queens

Nov 02, 2023 at 12:15 am by mikewood


NYC Marathon Queens

NYC Marathon in Queens


NYC Marathon 2010 In Long Island City / LIC / Queens

Click the following links to view prior reports about the NYC Marathon. These reports include photos as well as some of the history of the NYC Marathon. Click here for the NYC Marathon in LIC in 2009, NYC Marathon in Queens photos in 2009, NYC Marathon in Long Island City in 2008 with photos.

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NYC Marathon 2008 - Queens LIC Long Island City
NYC Marathon Long Island City NY Queens

NYC Marathon Runs Through Long Island City Queens

NYC Marathon in Long Island City LIC NYLong Island City / November 2nd, 2008 / NYC Marathon in Queens / Queens Buzz. On a beautiful sunny cool Sunday - perfect running weather - the NYC Marathon wound its way through the Long Island City [LIC] neighborhood of Queens. The race started on Staten Island in waves at 7.30 am beginning with the handicapped who used various types of cycles to move themselves through 26.2 miles of the course. The photo to your right shows one of the cycle riders coming through the Long Island City neighborhood of Queens during the 2008 NYC Marathon.

NYC Marathon women

The second wave was comprised of women, who like the men, came in packs as well as staggered lines of single runners. You could see the effort on many of their faces, but surprisingly, many also seemed to be moving along the course without a lot of strain. Along the Long Island City segment of the track, which is essentially the half way mark of the race, there was a rock band playing tunes across the street, pumping up the volume to encourage the runners along the course. A few blocks away there was a watering place where volunteers were handing out water cups to the runners just before they headed up along the Queens Borough Bridge.

American Runners' Performance In The NYC Marathon

NYC Marathon in LIC QueensAmericans did better this year than they have since 1982, placing four men in the top ten, and our own Kara Goucher in third place in the womens contest. As noted in the earlier portion of this article, the winners were repeats with Gomes Dos Santos and Radcliffe winning the top prizes.

NYC Marathon In Long Island City Queens

Race participants worked their way through our borough where a live band had set up to play. There was a water station set up near the Queensboro Bridge and crowds lined the streets down along 44th Drive, Vernon Blvd and 21st Street, all in the Long Island City neighborhood of Queens.

New York City Marathon Course And Times

NYC Marathon in Long Island City Queens NYAs mentioned above, the New York City Marathon started at 7.30 am in Staten Island. It crossed the Verranzano Bridge into Brooklyn, then wound up along the East River through the streets of Brooklyn and onto the saintly land we call home ... and Queens County. The course flows across the Newton Creek and onto Vernon Blvd before crossing the East River by way of the Queensboro Bridge and into Manhattan. The course finally winds up along the east side into the Bronx before coming back down into Manhattan along Fifth Avenue, into Central Park near Columbus Circle where it ends. The race was expected to be completed by 2 pm for most runners. For more info on the NYC Marathon and its course click this link to the New York Marathon website

NYC Marathon In Long Island City / LIC / Queens

Click the following links to view prior reports about the NYC Marathon. These reports include photos as well as some of the history of the NYC Marathon. Click here for the NYC Marathon in Queens 2010, NYC Marathon in LIC in 2009, NYC Marathon in Queens photos in 2009, NYC Marathon in Long Island City in 2008 with photos.

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NYC Marathon 2009 - Queens LIC Long Island City
NYC Marathon 2009 Queens Long Island City l

NYC Marathon Queens and LIC

NYC Marathon Start Time / Arrival Long Island City

NYC Marathon 2009 QueensLong Island City / NYC Marathon in Queens / October 31, 2009. Tomorrow morning, starting at 8.20 am in the far reaches of New York City, on far off Staten Island, the NYC Marathon will begin. Over 42,000 runners will start the race. The first runners begin arriving in LIC between 9 am and 10 am.

NYC Marathon 2009 Weather

The weather for the event is nearly perfect, with overcast skies, but no rain, and temperatures expected to range between 40 and 60 degrees, becoming warmer as the day goes on.

NYC Marathon History

NYC Marathon QueensAlong with Boston and Chicago, it is the pre-eminent long distance race in this country and one of the largest marathons in the world. The NYC Marathon began in 1970 and is sponsored by the New York Road Runners Club and ING. The race has continued, uninterrupted for 39 years. In 2006 over 37,000 people finished the race.

Marathon History / Origins

The marathon is named after a famed [and possibly fabled] Greek runner who ran the 42 kilometer distance from a small town of Marathon to Athens to announce that the Persians had been defeated. This event is said to have occurred around 2,500 years ago. After running the distance uninterrupted, he made the announcement, and then collapsed and died.

NYC Marathon Starting Times

NYC Marathon handicapped participantsFast forward to NYC, on November 1, 2009, at 8.20 am in Staten Island the wheelchair division will begin the race. They will be followed by the handcycles twenty minutes later at 8.40 am, and the professional women 20 minutes later a bit after 9 am. At 9.40 am the first of three waves of about 14,000 runners begins, followed by the second wave of about 14,000 runners at 10 am, and the third and final wave of runners at 10.20 am.

NYC Marathon 2009 – Queens Route

The race will first arrive in Queens via the Pulaski Bridge connecting Williamsburg Brooklyn to Long Island City Queens. The runners will come up 11th Street, turn left onto 48th Avenue and then turn right onto Vernon Blvd. From there they head north and take a left onto 44th Drive and run past the Citibank Building where they turn left along Crescent Street and then turn left again onto Queens Blvd heading onto the famed centenarian our own Queens Boro Bridge. At which point they cross into Manhattan.

NYC Marathon 2009NYC Marathon In Queens – TV Coverage

We understand that television coverage of the race begins at 9 am and ends at 2 pm. The race will end in Central Park at the Tavern on the Green.

Take a moment to think about the training, the strain and pain, the endurance and the power of the people who participate in this peaceful community gathering, which will be seen in person by an estimated two million people. If we can achieve things like this, then there is certainly no limit to what we can do when we set our minds to things.

NYC Marathon 2009 Photos - QueensBuzz.com

Stop back here after the race to view some photos of the runners making their way through Queens.

NYC Marathon In Long Island City / LIC / Queens

Click the following links to view prior reports about the NYC Marathon. These reports include photos as well as some of the history of the NYC Marathon. Click here for the NYC Marathon in Queens 2010, NYC Marathon in LIC in 2009, NYC Marathon in Queens photos in 2009, NYC Marathon in Long Island City in 2008 with photos.

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Best Times & Best Viewing Locations Of NYC Marathon In Queens LIC
NYC Marathon in Queens 2013

Preview NYC Marathon In LIC Queens

NYC Marathon LIC Queens Long Island City 2010October 28, 2013 / Long Island City / NYC Marathon in Queens / Queens Buzz. Long Island City / LIC spectators of the NYC Marathon get one of the best front row seats of the NYC Marathon right here in Queens.

We get to see the runners about half way through the 26 mile course - after they've loosened up and hit their stride, the sweat pouring off their brows, their lungs pumping, their legs hammering the hard pavement as they strive to do what we mere mortals don't dare try.

Over the years I've met a few runners who've completed the NYC Marathon course. They generally begin training months before the race begins; logging ten, fifteen mile runs several times weekly before beginning the big one. It takes a lot of willpower, endurance and perhaps mostly motivation. Good health helps, but it's worth noting that many people overcome their handicaps and complete the race too.

Best Times, Views, Locations For NYC Marathon in LIC & Queens. Click here to view details of the course the runners will follow through Long Island City LIC in Queens tomorrow. This brief report will include some estimated times that various groups will arrive, so you can 'more or less' plan your visit to cheer them on.

Click here to read our report about the upcoming 2013 NYC Marathon in Queens. And click the following links to view reports about the: NYC Marathon in Queens 2010, NYC Marathon in LIC in 2009, NYC Marathon in Queens photos in 2009, NYC Marathon in Long Island City in 2008 with photos. There wasn't any NYC Marathon in 2012 because of the havoc wreaked by Hurricane Sandy.

NYC Marathon In LIC Queens

Best Views, Times & Locations For Viewing The NYC Marathon In Queens

Continued / NYC Marathon LIC Queens Long Island CityOctober 28, 2013 / Long Island City / NYC Marathon in Queens / Queens Buzz. On the day of the NYC Marathon, the highs will be in the low 50's and the lows in the high 30's, and it will be partly cloudy, but dry. These are pretty good conditions for a good solid 26 mile run.


NYC Marathon Starting Times

The first wave of NYC marathoners starts at 8.30 am. The race begins with those competing in wheelchairs and is followed by those competing in handcycles. At 9.10 am the professional women join the race and at 9.40 am the Waves begin.

The first wave beginning at 9.40 am is comprised of the professional men and women, and includes the lead runners in the sub-elite men and women categories, as well as the lead runners who compete locally. The second wave begins at 10.05, the third wave begins at 10.30 am and the fourth wave begins at 10.55 am.


NYC Marathon In Long Island City - Queens Course

nyc marathon viewing locations in queensThe course through Queens comes north off the Pulaski Bridge from Brooklyn. It turns left / west onto 48th Avenue. The course then turns right onto Vernon Blvd and continues north until 44th Drive where it turns right [east] and heads up toward the Citicorp Center. At Crescent St [aka 25th Street] it turns left [north] and heads up to Queens Blvd and the Queens Boro Bridge, at which point we bid our runners farewell.


A place to get some great best times locations to view nyc marathon in queensphotos is along 44th Drive - Citicorp Center is in the background and NYC is in the foreground. The runners generally 'freshen up' in flight on Crescent Street just before they head up over the Queens Boro Bridge. And one can obtain good viewing locations along Vernon Blvd and as the runners come off the Pulaski Bridge.


best times to view nyc marathon in queens licNYC Marathon In Queens - Best Viewing Times In LIC

The first wave of runners begins in Staten Island early on Sunday [remember it's Daylight Savings Time so set your clocks back an hour]. The race begins at 8.20 am with the wheelchair division, followed by the handcycles and a couple of other select groups [one appears promotional]. The bulk of the runners leave Staten Island in three waves. The first wave of runners leaves at 9.40 am, the second wave of runners begins at 10.10 am and the third wave of runners is released at 10.40 am. There are approximately 15,000 runners per wave.


nyc marathon in queensThe NYC Marathon In Queens - Best Viewing Locations

Queens constitutes the 13th through 15th miles of the race. Allow about an hour or so for the first runners to reach our shores [10.40 am] and it heats up to droves which continue to pass by for about two hours, before it all trickles down. There are a number of great views, from 44th Drive with the NYC Skyline [see photo in introduction of story on page one of Sports], to Crescent Street while the runners 're-fuel in flight'. Vernon Blvd also provides a nostalgic scenic view to cheer the runners on.


Public Transportation To NYC Marathon

Great Viewing Locations Of The NYC Marathon In Queens

best viewing location in queens nyc marathonThe best way to get into / out of the viewing locations is either by the MTA: 1) #7 Line to Vernon Jackson, Hunters Point, Court Square or Queens Boro Plaza; 2) E, G, or V to 23rd Street; or 3) N or Q to Queens Boro Plaza. We understand that the LIRR is running a reduced schedule, so you'll have to work that our yourselves. You can also drive to nearby neighborhoods, park your car and walk. North of the Queens Boro Bridge you may find unencumbered parking / traffic, but likely not during the NYC Marathon in Queens.

Check back here after the race for a few tidbits / details of the race, including photos. The slide show below is of photos taken of the NYC Marathon in Queens in 2009 and there are links to related stories including photos of the 2010 NYC Marathon in Queens. Enjoy.



NYC Marathon In Long Island City / LIC / Queens

Click the following links to view prior reports about the NYC Marathon. These reports include photos as well as some of the history of the NYC Marathon. Click here for the NYC Marathon in Queens 2010, NYC Marathon in LIC in 2009, NYC Marathon in Queens photos in 2009, NYC Marathon in Long Island City in 2008 with photos.

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NYC Marathon Photos - Queens & LIC
NYC Marathon 2010 Photos Queens

Click here - NYC Marathon 2011

NYC Marathon Photos In Queens

Great Photos Of The NYC Marathon In Queens

nyc marathon 2010 photos queensContinued / November 5, 2011 / Long Island City / NYC Marathon in Queens / Queens Buzz. Their hearts were pounding hard, the sweat was dripping down, their lungs were huffing and puffing as they chugged along one by one. Muscles taut, arms moving to and fro, as these intrepid runners tested their own endurance. Men and women alike, generally dressed in T-shirts ran alongside one another. The old and the young. The rich and the poor? Who knows. And people in wheel chairs and handcycles - all straining to complete the 26 mile course. All tolled over 43,000 participants out on a beautiful November day. The photo to your left is of the NYC Marathon runners arriving from Brooklyn over the Pulaski Bridge into Queens.

nyc marathon photos 2010 queensMen's & Women's Results / Winners

In the Men's category, Gebre Gebremariam of Ethiopia clocked in at 2:02:14. In the women's Edna Kiplagat of Kenya clocked in at 2:28:20. As mentioned in the introduction to this report, the USA's Shalane Flanigan came in second in the Women's at 2:28:40. In the Men's Wheel Chair division David Weir of Great Britain came in first with a time of 1:37:39 while in the Women's Wheelchair division Tatyana McFadden of the USA won the Women's with a time of 2:02:22. And in the Handcycle division photos nyc marathon 2010 queensDane Pilon of the USA won with 1:21:23. We're not sure, but we believe Helene Hines of the USA won the Women's Handcycle with a time of 2:02:16. The photo above is of runners coming down 44th Drive in Long Island City in Queens.

Photos Of NYC Marathon Runners In Long Island City & Queens

It was a relaxed delightful day. People were more enthusiastic this year than I recall them being in prior years. It was like a street party in Long Island City. Screaming, bells clanging, clapping and cheering. People jumping up and down. Smiles on thousands out enjoying one of Queens most magnificent days.


photos nyc marathon 2010 queensLong Island City - Beauty & The Beast

The vistas were generally breathtaking, although there remain a few remnants of the past. I've grown a bit fond of them, knowing that they're not long for this world. We've posted over one hundred photos for you to enjoy. You can click here to go directly into the photo album where you can max up the size of any of the photos or view the slide show from there. Click here for NYC Marathon 2010 photos in Queens.


NYC Marathon In Long Island City / LIC / Queens

Click the following links to view prior reports about the NYC Marathon. These reports include photos as well as some of the history of the NYC Marathon. Click here for the NYC Marathon in Queens 2010, NYC Marathon in LIC in 2009, NYC Marathon in Queens photos in 2009, NYC Marathon in Long Island City in 2008 with photos.

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NYC Marathon in Queens


NYC Marathon Queens

NYC Marathon in Queens


NYC Marathon 2010 In Long Island City / LIC / Queens

Click the following links to view prior reports about the NYC Marathon. These reports include photos as well as some of the history of the NYC Marathon. Click here for the NYC Marathon in LIC in 2009, NYC Marathon in Queens photos in 2009, NYC Marathon in Long Island City in 2008 with photos.

Long Island City LIC Queens Related Info

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Photos of NYC Marathon in Queens 2011


photos of nyc marathon in queens 2011

Photos - NYC Marathon Queens 2011

photos of nyc marathon in queens 2011November 7, 2011 / Long Island City / Queens Buzz. It was a beautiful day for a marathon. The temperatures were in the low 60's and it was sunny and dry. About 47,438 runners came through Long Island City and we photographed quite a few of them, along with the crowd that gathered outside to greet them.

We shot quite a few photos, over 100 of which you can browse through in the slide show included in with this brief report.

Click here to view our report and see the slide show containing photos of the NYC Marathon in Queens 2011. And have a nice day.

Photos of NYC Marathon in Queens 2011

Photos of Marathoners & Audience in Long Island City

November 6, 2011 / Long Island City / Queens Buzz. We attended the 2011 NYC Marathon as it came through Long Island City Queens on the first Sunday of November. It was a beautiful day as the Marathoners came over the Pulaski bridge from Brooklyn, turned west to get to Vernon Blvd before resuming their northward trek up toward the Queensborough Bridge.

They turned east on 44th Drive and then north again on Crescent and then on up the Queensborough Bridge as they made their way across the East River to Manhattan. We shot photos along the way and posted over one hundred on them in this slide show. Enjoy.



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Places To Watch The NYC Marathon In Queens
places to watch nyc marathon in queens watch nyc marathon in lic queens

NYC Marathon CANCELLED In Queens & LIC

places to watch nyc marathon in queens lic long island cityNovember 2, 2012 / Long Island City Neighborhood / Queens Sports / Queens Buzz.


The announcement was made by Mayor Bloomberg in a press conference, where he took some heat for waiting to make the decision to cancel it. Many runners who had already arrived in NYC were disappointed with the announcement.

The NYC Marathon is Sunday, November 4th.

Here is a link to our photo coverage in 2011. We found a number of good places to watch the NYC Marathon in Queens. Here is a link to our NYC Marathon in Queens section, providing you with photos and reports in prior years.

Click the photo to your left for a map showing the NYC Marathon route through Queens & Long Island City LIC. Or click here for a report on the best places to watch the NYC Marathon in Queens.

Best Times To Watch The NYC Marathon in Queens

The NYC Marathon begins at 8.30 am at Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island. The NYC Marathon begins in waves of 5 - 10 minute increments for the first half hour or so, and then in massive waves every 30 minutes, with the last wave leaving the starting line at 10.55 am.

Best Places To Watch The NYC Marathon In Queens

best times to watch the nyc marathon in queensQueens is fairly close to being the half way mark of the race. And there's plenty of space for watchers along the route described below. The most crowded street is Vernon Blvd, mostly because the sidewalks are regularly sized for a neighborhood, and hence do not provide ample capacity for the influx of people who come to watch the NYC Marathon in Long Island City LIC section of Queens.

So for a first time out you might want to either get to Vernon or the off ramp of the Pulaski Bridge early, or hike up to 44th Drive, where the street widens and the walkways have - to date - provided ample viewing room for those wishing to watch the NYC Marathon in Queens. The photo to your left was taken at a place to watch the NYC Marathon in LIC Queens along 44th Drive.

NYC Marathon Route Through LIC & Queens

The NYC Marathon comes through Long Island City LIC in Queens, first over the Pulaski Bridge, then a quick left and right onto Vernon Blvd, another right up 44th Drive and then a left onto 25th Street before the runners leave the borough across the Queens Borough Bridge. There are water stations situated along both Vernon Blvd and 25th Street.

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